Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome - July 2025

20th May 2024

Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome - July 2025

The parish is considering a pilgrimage to Rome during the Holy Year leaving Tuesday 1st July 2025, returning Sunday 6th July 2025 The pilgrimage will be 5-nights / 6-days half-board in a modest Religious House accommodation close to the Vatican. The package will include flights, accommodation , breakfast & most evening meals, visits to the Seven Churches of Rome & a full religious itinerary. Presently, the package price is unavailable but we expect more details in August.

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: Places are limited! To register your interest, please contact the parish office with your name, contact details, number of participants and room preference. When details are released, the parish will contact all registered parishioners.

Contact the Parish office at 02890665409 / stbrigids@downandconnor.org