Ways to Donate and Gift Aid
Parish Offertory Envelopes
Offertory Envelopes are distributed in March each year for the forthcoming Tax Year (April-March)
If you would like to receive Offertory Envelopes please contact the Parish Office. Alternatively you can set up a Standing Order - details below.
Standing Orders
Parishioners can also set up regular payments by setting up a Standing Order with their bank. (This can be cancelled anytime by contacting your bank)
If you are already registered with an Offertory Envelope and would like to set up a standing order please contact the parish office for a form to complete and return to your bank. Please include your envelope number in the 'Credit Reference' so we can distinguish each amount and allocate offerings to the correct parishioner. (i.e. White 999)
If you do not have an offertory envelope please contact the parish office by phone or email to be allocated with a unique envelope number (you do not need to pick up or use the envelopes)
There is no need to change this number each year as we will allocate the same envelope number on your account each year.
Payments can also be made by Cheque - payable to 'St Brigid's Parish' - please note your envelope number on the reverse of the cheque.

If you would like to Gift Aid your offerings please click the link and complete the form below:
Click 'Donate with Dona' below to Donate online to St Brigid's Parish - Please choose which Collection you would like to make an offering to.
You can also Gift Aid Donations by completing the Gift Aid details.