Parish Faith Groups

Parish Morning Prayer

Our Morning Prayer in the Side Chapel has recommenced each Monday at 7.30am. This will continue until the beginning of Lent when we will be meeting each weekday morning. Everyone is most welcome. This opportunity, to pray the Morning Office together, has proved to be a great way to encourage each other in faith and start the week.

Women of St Brigid's Walking Together

These meeting’s have proved to be a wonderful and affirming journey for many of us; an hour of gentle “time out “ from hectic lives to sit silently and listen to God…..and to one another. Please do feel free to join us if you haven’t been before.

Our Women’s Prayer Group will meet on one Wednesday of each month from 7.30pm - 8.30pm in No40 Derryvolgie Ave. Please see the Parish Bulletin for dates or contact the parish office for information.

Recitation of the Rosary

The Rosary is recited in St. Brigid’s before Mass, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9.10am and, on Monday and Friday at 6.40pm. Everyone welcome.

Lay Dominican's Group

The Lay Dominican Group meets in the Parish Hall once a month. Please see the link below for more information.

Divine Mercy

You are warmly invited to join us in St Brigid’s Church each Friday at 3.00pm as we pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.


SPRED stands for Special Religious Educational Development and aims to assist people with learning disabilities achieve their rights to belong and grow within the Parish and wider communities. St Brigid’s SPRED Group meets on Monday evenings in the Parish Hall. Our friends with disabilities come once a fortnight and in the intervening Mondays the helpers meet to evaluate what has happened and to plan the next meeting. Each meeting follows a format and aims to develop the religious spirituality of both our special friends and our helper catechists.

We begin by sharing an activity session aimed at creating a calming and reflective atmosphere. Then we gather round the Holy Book. Here we use different symbols in each session to evoke personal, simple stories and experiences about the presence of God on our lives. In the Agape, we share some simple food, a cup of tea and enjoy each other’s company.

SPRED seeks to celebrate the gifts and talents of each individual and to care and protect the vulnerable.

Meetings take place in a warm and caring atmosphere with much shared love and laughter.