Parish Safeguarding
Parish Safeguarding Committee
Safeguarding our Children and Vulnerable Adults
The law requires that all parish staff and volunteers who, in the service of the parish, are working with children and/or vulnerable adults, comply with statutory vetting procedures and work to a Code of Conduct.
Diocesan policies also require that parish volunteers attend a ‘Safeguarding Awareness' training session. Training sessions are arranged regularly and are notified via the parish bulletin.
Non-parish, commercial groups and individuals also work with children and/or vulnerable adults on parish premises, usually in the Parish Hall. This may be in a drama class, a dancing class, an academic tuition class. The Parish Safeguarding Committee requires that these groups must confirm that staff have undergone statutory vetting, have had relevant safeguarding training, have a Safeguarding Policy and a Code of Conduct and have appropriate insurance. However, legally the Parish Safeguarding Committee cannot require proof of the above, other than seeing their insurance policy.
We would advise parents and carers whose children or vulnerable adults are taking part in commercial, non-parish activities on parish premises to ask for such proof. For example, you should ask to see the vetting certificate of all staff.
The Parish Safeguarding Committee provides support and guidance to ensure that these requirements are complied with. Our children and vulnerable adults must be cared for so that all potential risks are minimised.
Such procedures also protect staff and volunteers.
Please note that those who do not comply with the Safeguarding requirements will be unable to continue with their work.
The members of the Parish Safeguarding Committee are:
- Father O'Donnell (Parish Priest)
- Kevin Delaney (Chair)
- Pauline Forker (Secretaryy)
- Áine McKeating
- Mary Murphy
- Geraldine O'Hare
- Angela McNickle
- Mícheál Gallagher
- Geralyn Woods
Further guidance and information can be obtained by contacting the Parish Office, the Chair of The Parish Safeguarding Committee, Kevin Delaney, or any member of the Committee, via the parish office, Tel. 028 9066 5409.